Opportunities and Resources for Behavior, Food and Nutrition Security, and Physical Activity Research from USDA and NIH

ISBNPA 2024 Agenda
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
4:45 PM - 6:00 PM
Room 213


USDA and NIH speakers will present about current research priorities, funding opportunities, resources and events related to behavior, nutrition, and physical activity. Areas of emphasis include food safety, food and nutrition security, obesity, physical activity, intervention development, evaluation of natural experiments, and measurement. Speakers will emphasize current funding opportunities, special initiatives, data and measurement resources, and upcoming events. Sample resources to be discussed include the National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research (NCCOR), the Activities Completed over Time in 24 Hours (ACT24) measurement tool, and the ADOPT Core measures Environmental data resource for assessing environment modification of responses to weight loss interventions. Ongoing and recent NIH funding opportunities include continued calls for evaluation of natural experiments and efforts to better understand metabolic dysregulation will also be described. NIFA will provide an overview of our agency-wide investments in and support of initiatives that ensure the long-term viability of food and agriculture, which include food and nutrition security, food loss and waste, education, and workforce. Not all funding opportunities discussed are available outside the US, but a subset are and many of the tools, resources and events are of potential interest internationally. After an overview, USDA and NIH staff will engage in a facilitated discussion and take attendee questions.


David Berrigan
Program Director

Suzanne Stluka
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
